Friday, May 24, 2024

Health Care Risk Adjustment and Predictive Modeling

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This text is noted on the Course of Reading for SOA Fellowship research study in the Group & Health specialized track. Health Care Risk Adjustment and Predictive Modeling offers a detailed guide to health care actuaries and other specialists thinking about health care information analytics, danger change and predictive modeling.

The book initially presents the subject with conversations of health threat, readily available information, medical recognition algorithms for diagnostic grouping and using grouper designs. The 2nd part of the book provides the principle of information mining and a few of the typical techniques utilized by modelers.

The 3rd and last area covers a variety of predictive modeling and danger modification case-studies, with examples from Medicaid, Medicare, special needs, anxiety medical diagnosis and supplier compensation, along with using predictive modeling and danger change outside the U.

S. For readers who want to explore their own designs, the book likewise offers access to a test dataset.

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