A medical billing service handles the payments between a doctor’s office and patients freeing the medical practice to focus on providing outstanding care while patients can enjoy a smooth ride from arrival for the appointment to having all the bills paid. My biggest frustration in receiving treatment has been with practitioners that have ineffective billing systems setup resulting in insurance payments not being applied properly through bills that were paid being sent to collections. An educated customer after watching this video is empowered to ask a new potential doctor’s office whether that office has a medical billing service in place because an answer of yes may indicate less difficultly with billing.
What sets medical billing services apart? Certified medical billing services that have the shortest wait time between the client’s visit and the payment process completed are likely to offer the best experience for everyone.
Medical billing services are now required not to charge a fee on the amount of transactions with a good way to bill being based on the number of visits with a flat fee per visit instead.
My business partner Bonnie with Billing Buddies has 24 years of medical billing experience and is available to assist doctor’s offices in the USA. To get started, call 612-432-2366 or email bonnie@billingbuddies.com.
Thank you Bonnie for scheduling this call with me on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/jerrybanfield.
We hope you found this video helpful and appreciate you watching!
Jerry Banfield
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