Coding Contrast – Learn Medical Coding Essential https://www.cco.us/
Q: [Back to Basics – Coding Contrast] I saw a YouTube clip of you discussing the administration of contrast and made it look a lot easier with the chart. I’m unable to find it at the web address on the slide. Is this chart still offered? I’m studying for my CPC and I’m finding the YouTube clips extremely useful. I’m a spoken learner and value this resource.
A: What I did is I just took a typical code grouping that offers with contrast for radiology. The third one is going to state “without” followed by “with.”.
Now, when I worked for CodeRyte, it was extremely heavy into radiology things. They stated the old method of stating it, that the radiologist would state it is “without” was considered a “dry” research study and a “with” was thought about a “damp” and this 3rd one, they call the “damp dry.” It was for comparison purposes. As coders, we require to understand when we are enabled to code the indented codes, the “with contrast” codes. This two we consider “with contrast.” And there are very particular guidelines on when we can do that and how to code it.
The main point that you have to remember for contrast is oral contrast and rectal contrast for coding functions does not count. I’ll say that once again: oral and rectal do not count. It’s just something that you have to enter your brain. There’s no one location to compose it, which 90% of the ideas I provide for CPT, you can find an area in the CPT book to compose that cue, but in this case it’ ssomething you simply need to commit to memory. Oral and rectal contrast does not count. You will always code the leading code, the one that says “without.” It doesn’t feel right because I read in the note, it states contrast. Oral and rectal are coded as “without contrast.”.
Just think of the work involved. Truly, for oral, the client is drinking it themselves, and offering an enema does not require that much ability, however when you start dealing with needles and offering injections of contrast and dye in, you’re dealing with some greater threat and therefore more money is been worthy of. Keep this pattern in mind, and this is a CT of the abdomen.
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